Uterine Fibroids

Fibroids have affected my body for over 12 years and destroyed my health slowly for the past 5 years. Heavy periods that needed adult diapers to be worn because pads weren’t enough. Shrinking into a shell of myself out of embarrassment and shame. Never wanting to date because that would lead to intimacy, having to explain this disorder that affects you daily. Skipping out on social events because you don’t know if your period may “attack.”

 – Olivia, Former Fibroid Sufferer | The White Dress Project

uterine fibroids
types of uterine fibroids

What are uterine fibroids?

Uterine fibroids (also called leiomyomas) are non-cancerous tumors that grow on or within the uterus lining. They are so common that they affect 70% of white women by the age of 50 and more than 80% of black women, who tend to develop them at an earlier age.1

Most women are not even aware they have them, but for many, the symptoms and lifestyle impact can be overwhelming.

Fibroid symptoms include pelvic pain and discomfort, heavy menstrual bleeding, frequent urination and even urinary incontinence (loss of bladder control). Many women with severe fibroid symptoms have to take lengthy precautions to prevent accidents. This includes wearing extra layers of clothing, keeping a supply of products on hand at all times, choosing not to participate in certain activities and much more.

How will uterine fibroids impact your body?

The heavy menstrual bleeding experienced by fibroid sufferers can result in the depletion of iron from the body. Iron deficiency can lead to anemia. It can also result in hemoglobin loss, which means that it becomes more difficult for the blood to carry oxygen throughout the body. This is why women with fibroids often experience feeling tired and weak, shortness of breath, headaches, dizziness, pale skin and sometimes even chest pain and irregular heartbeat.
When fibroids become worse and aren’t treated, they can lead to pregnancy complications, as well as various heart conditions such as heart murmur, enlarged heart and heart failure. That’s why it is important to your long-term health to seek treatment for this condition.

You are NOT alone

Because so many women have suffered from fibroids, or are currently suffering from them, there are many informational resources that are available to you. The resources section of our website is an excellent place to find these resources and includes everything from general information to detailed clinical study data on the various treatment options. You can also read and hear about what other women have experienced and have been willing to share about their fibroid journey.

Surgery is NOT the only option

Many women believe that hysterectomy (surgically removing the uterus) or myomectomy (surgically removing fibroids from the uterus) are the only options to treat fibroids. But this is not true. There are a number of effective treatment options for fibroids that all symptomatic women should consider before they agree to surgery! You can learn about ALL of your options here.

The good news

Thanks to advances in medicine over the last 25 years, you will be pleased to know that you don’t have to continue living with fibroids. North Star Fibroid Clinic offers an excellent, effective, non-surgical option for permanently treating uterine fibroids.

In our treatment section, we explain all the options for managing and treating fibroids, including the one we perform. Whichever option you choose, we sincerely hope our website has provided helpful content for you to make an informed decision.

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